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223 products

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3805 reviews
Stupid Tax chart

This is so me! We have to pay taxes every year, it is what prolongs our debt journey. To visually see us conquering one of the stupid things we have to pay feels great!

Tracking charts

I have printed them and started using them already. I am inspired

Makes me smile each day : )

Heidi's knowledge and creativity brought forth a beautiful and fun pallet of tools to turn a topic that used to make me cry into a fun, uplifting and useful game. <3
Still serious enough, just like messed up finances are, the charts playfully offer overview, control and a reassuring sense of achievability where life once looked hopeless. Great design and awesome knowledge, highly recommended!

Cute Charts

The charts were easy to access and I even made it fun by adding some color. Im looking forward to getting to my goal

Disney Tracking Chart